Monday 7 October 2013

Baby crochet...

One minute you're rocking them to sleep in your arms (Ella) or rubbing their backs until they fall asleep (Jake) and the next minute you're dropping them off in town for work experience! On the outside I was saying all the right things and on the inside I was thinking 'how did it all go so quickly?'

Work experience was an ordeal for me. I didn't have the social skills (shy) nor the equipment (ears) so I hated every minute. Later I got a second chance at it, press photography for the local paper and I loved every minute of that. One highlight was finding myself at a 'do' for the Mayor. We had to mingle and drink Sherry before taking photographs. Between you and me the photographer I was with liked a drink or two so he encouraged me to be polite and take one, despite the fact that I was only 15. Yuk. Foul. I've never had one since.

Meanwhile back at home, the kitchen is in a stalemate situation and I needed to take my mind off the whole work experience thing (I didn't find out til much later that it had gone well). So I did the only sensible thing this afternoon and sat outside with my crochet. It was gloriously hot. Harvey sunbathed at my feet. Mollie reclined in the spare basket chair.

I've been all over town today trying to locate a good crochet pattern for a baby cardigan or jumper. I've got a couple of online possibilities but I like a good paper one for portability. In the end I found just what I was looking for in the indoor market. I had the tweedy yarn already. It started off with a row of granny type squares with 8 clusters in the middle, making a flower shape, it's squared off with half trebles (love that stitch) which makes them cute and dinky.

I'm half way through the pattern already. Baby clothes are the perfect little project with a useful outcome. This will be the first of several. So who is the lucky baby? M's sister is a foster parent and looks after babies mostly. They are not always short term and often don't arrive with much of a wardrobe so she's asked for cardigans or jumpers in neutral colours. I don't usually like requests but who could resist baby clothes?

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